On the 24th of February (Friday), Ms. Li Cianjing from Taiwan (a graduate student of Naruto University of Education) gave a talk about Taiwan. 35 students, mainly the ones who do the online and the pen pal communication with National Hsin Hua Senior High School, participated in this event. First Ms. Li talked about geography, transportation, food culture, and language in Taiwan. After her talk, the participants asked her a lot of questions, some of which were about her student life in Japan. She spoke about the difficulties and pleasures of living in Japan. Some of the students’ comments are as follows:
・I have a pen pal in Taiwan, so I am happy to learn about the country. I would like to know more about Taiwan and visit there some day.
・I would like to study abroad and broaden my perspectives like Ms. Li. I was impressed that she overcame many challenges and enjoyed herself. I will do whatever I want to do.